Our Clients: Real Estate Development Teams, Properties + Commuters | Wells + Associates

Our Clients: Serving Real Estate Development Teams, Properties, and Commuters

Our team at Wells + Associates works with a wide range of people, companies, and institutions to improve their transportation experience. From coast to coast, we collaborate with our clients on development approvals, traffic design projects, traffic and parking analyses, multimodal planning and implementation, and more.

Real Estate Development Teams

Our traffic engineers, parking consultants, transportation planners, and TDM/mobility consultants work with real estate developers and the teams that support them, including civil engineers, architects, land use attorneys, and public-private groups that manage commercial real estate.

Our work for development teams is wide ranging and includes:

Property Owners and Managers

The commercial real estate sector is not only competitive but also faces changes in the very nature of how residential and office space are experienced and marketed. Transit-oriented development, the desire for multimodal transportation choices, increasing development density, and the greater importance of providing amenities to tenants all play a role in whether a property can remain competitive. We help properties face these challenges with a range of strategies and solutions.

Our teams work with property owners and managers to:


Our work with properties, development teams, and local regulatory bodies positively impacts the experience of commuters, both directly through our collaborations with property owners and managers or indirectly through the development and implementation of Transportation Demand Management programs.

We develop and manage programs to: