This Fall, Wells + Associates was pleased to sponsor Arundel High School’s USBands Wildcat Spectacular, featuring 13 marching bands from high schools in Maryland.
The event occurred on October 1, 2017 at Arundel Senior High School, located in Gambrills, Maryland.
What is it like to play and perform as part of a marching band? We can’t put it any better than Ian J. Burns, band director for Arundel High School:
“Marching Band is unlike any activity our students participate in. These students are challenged to become artists and athletes, team players, leaders and independent creative minds. I firmly believe the students you see here today demonstrating determination, dedication and drive will become the successful leaders of tomorrow!”
Our Senior Associate, Larry Sefcik, was honored to co-present the various awards to the top performers. Award categories included: Best Color Guard, Best Music, Best Overall Effect, Best Percussion, and Best Visual.
Congratulations to the student musicians, teachers, administrators, parents and families on such an inspiring program!