Affordable Housing Transportation Consultants: Traffic Engineering, Multimodal Planning, and Parking - Wells + Associates

Affordable Housing Transportation Consultants: Traffic Engineering, Multimodal Planning, and Parking

Developing affordable housing for those with low to moderate incomes is a crucial component of developing communities where all people can live closer to their workplaces. While affordable housing requires funding and community buy-in, it also requires that sound traffic engineering, transportation planning, parking, and multimodal transportation analyses and principles are applied to projects.

Our multidisciplinary team of traffic engineers, transportation planners, parking consultants, and mobility management and TDM experts has experience in helping communities bring affordable housing projects from concept to completion, as well as ongoing management and support.

Background: The Connection Between Affordable Housing, Transportation, and Parking 

How are affordable housing and transportation connected? A variety of reports and studies help us understand:  

“Some cities are introducing more flexibility into their zoning to encourage transit-oriented development, especially if it includes dedicated affordable units.” (Brookings Institution: “Parking requirements and foundations are driving up the cost of multifamily housing”) 

People “most affected by the lack of affordable housing are renters, have low incomes, are more likely to live in the state’s populated areas, and often work in common, essential occupations” (Virginia General Assembly’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission) 

A proposal to “require or encourage property owners to unbundle parking (rent parking separately from building space), particularly for low- and moderate-priced housing.” (Victoria Transport Policy Institute: “Parking Requirement Impacts on Housing Affordability”) 


    The Need for Transportation Engineers and Consultants in Affordable Housing Development 

    Why would affordable housing developments require a transportation consultant?

    One basic reason is local regulatory requirements such as traffic and parking studies. Like many other real estate development projects, transportation-related analyses are required to achieve project approval.

    Perhaps of more acute concern, affordable housing is often required as part of higher density projects. Higher density developments, such as those in Fairfax County, Virginia, raise many concerns, challenges, and opportunities such as parking availability, potential increase in vehicular traffic, access and circulation, availability of transit, and the development of multimodal transportation solutions. Notably, the cost of parking construction is an issue.  

    Finally, the State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI) reported on a transportation 2020 study with the following statement:

    “In choosing where to live, people strive for a combination of short driving commutes and good transit access, according to a new study spanning three large regions: Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit. Walkable neighborhoods are also a plus, depending on the region.”

    Parking Analyses: Reducing Parking Costs for Affordable Housing 

    Parking for affordable housing can be a complex matter. In particular, across all kinds of development projects, parking is expensive to build. Unnecessary parking therefore raises the cost of affordable housing. Our team helps developers take concrete measures to reduce the need for parking, helping to ensure that such projects can maintain their affordability.  

    Traffic engineers can help developers assess a wide variety of issues related to parking, such as:  

    • Parking reduction measures for affordable housing developments, including TDM programs and multimodal options 
    • Analyses of surface parking 
    • Analyses of structured parking  
    • Access and circulation, including driveway accessibility 
    • Potential for shared parking 

    Traffic Engineering Studies and Approvals for Affordable Housing

    Traffic engineers who are licensed Professional Engineers (P.E.) are sometimes required in order to meet regulatory requirements for affordable housing projects. While a P.E. stamp is often required for project approval, it is important to understand the important role that a traffic engineer plays in affordable housing development.

    Engineers help developers resolve issues such as:  

    • Vehicular trip generation analyses to forecast future traffic generated by the project, including AM and PM peak hour trips 
    • Access to the development, as well as traffic circulation within the site 
    • Analyses of intersections related the development 
    • Traffic signal warrant analyses and traffic signal design 
    • Pavement and marking, also known as traffic control devices 
    • Maintenance of traffic plans to keep existing traffic moving during construction 
    • The impact that multimodal transportation options have on project requirements 
    • Engagement with the community at local hearings 

    The Advantages of TDM and Mobility Management in Affordable Housing Transportation

    Transportation Demand Management (TDM) – also known as Mobility Management – describes efforts to increase the availability and usage of non-vehicular transportation options for commuters. Our TDM consultants not only create comprehensive transportation and mobility plans for affordable housing projects, but also have deep experience in implementing and managing these plans.  

    Creating customized TDM plans and implementing those plans into formal programs can help successfully integrate affordable housing into existing communities by providing additional transportation and commuting choices. What’s more, providing non-auto transportation choices provides more affordable commuting options in affordable housing developments for those who cannot afford to own a car.  

    Since so many affordable housing developments are in high-density areas, it’s easy to appreciate the role of TDM programs in mitigating the impact of increased development on transportation networks by diversifying the availability and use of transportation.  

    Affordable housing-related TDM services are wide-ranging, and include:  

    Contact our Affordable Housing Transportation Team

    Courtney Menjivar

    Courtney J. Menjivar

    Vice President | (703) 676-3636

    Courtney Menjivar is a passionate global implementer of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs. TDM programs aim to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles, giving more transportation choices to commuters and raising the value of real estate developments.

    Courtney’s Full Bio

    Mike Workosky president wells + associates traffic engineer

    Michael J. Workosky

    President | (703) 676-3603

    Mike Workosky is a transportation executive with more than 25 years of experience across the United States in parking matters related to mixed use developments, town centers, shopping centers, and commercial, governmental, and academic properties.

    Mike’s Full Bio