What’s the #1 reason communities oppose higher density development? Concerns with Traffic Congestion
How can you address their concerns with traffic congestion? Transportation Demand Management
TDM policy development for communities need not be a haphazard exercise. For communities who want to implement TDM program and regulations, there is a process that leads to reaching this goal. While we discuss the process in detail in the book Building a Multimodal Future, published by the Urban Land Institute, we have outlined 9 basic steps communities can take to establish TDM policies that address traffic congestion and allow higher density development that is more walkable.
These steps are not built on theory alone. It’s based on research from interviews with over 35 leaders in commercial real estate and local government from across the nation who have experience developing successful TDM programs. In this slide show originally published on LinkedIn, we tap into a few practice insights from those leaders.