Nicholas Kosar
Wells + Associates’ TDM team prepared a Transportation Demand Management Strategic Plan for the Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Office of Capital Programs, Planning, and Design. This TDM plan was reviewed by Marie Cox, senior program manager at W+A, who is TDM-CP certified.
The TDM Strategic Plan is intended to guide the implementation of TDM strategies for School Years 2024-2025, 2025-2026, and 2026-2027.
TDM-CP Certification
TDM-CP certification signifies to property owners, managers, and developers that their transportation and mobility programs have been reviewed, developed, and implemented by a professional who has the most in-depth understanding of TDM best practices in the industry. TDM-CP certified professionals bring a level of proven professional creativity in developing customized TDM plans.
TDM-CP certification is administered by the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) and promotes the key role of highly qualified individuals who can help developments address the full range of needs of commuters and communities. The TDM-CP has to be maintained through involvement in leadership as well as professional development activities, demonstrating that TDM-CP recipients are committed to fostering the future of TDM and continued engagement in the practice and its evolution.
Marie is one of the first people in the nation to be designated as a Transportation Demand Management Certified Professional (TDM-CP).
About the ACPS TDM Strategic Plan
The focus of the TDM strategic planning effort for ACPS was to reduce drive-alone rates among ACPS staff and teachers through initiatives that will support an increase in biking, walking, taking transit, carpooling, and vanpooling. The next phase of the plan will incorporate additional strategies to increase the number of students biking, walking, taking transit, and carpooling.
The TDM plan was comprehensive and included:
- A review of the project background and current conditions
- Development of goals and objectives
- Development of strategies and performance measures
- Creation of key action items
- Creation of a monitoring and evaluation framework
- Development of a staffing and budget framework
- Delivery of a 12-month Start-Up Action Plan
Goals were identified, such as reducing the staff drive alone rate, taking greater advantage of nearby Capital Bikeshare stations, improving the carpooling rate, and getting more use out of DASH and Metrobus routes that serve ACPS.
Recommended transportation strategies were linked to specific performance measures such as percentages of staff participating in transportation programs and the number of schools with transportation coordinators. Specific school departments were given responsibilities of key action items.
The 12-month Startup Action Plan included tasks, descriptions of tasks, departments responsible for the tasks, and timelines to accomplish each item.
A crucial aspect of the plan was that it would consider and align with the values and goals as outlined in the ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan: Equity for All. Equity for All’s mission is to ensure success by inspiring students and addressing barriers to learning.
TDM Strategic Plan Process
The plan was developed through rigorous research and staff and stakeholder involvement. Findings from the research were provided to staff and used alongside stakeholder discussions to develop the priority goals, objectives, and strategies within this plan. This process included a:
- review of existing conditions and policies
- staff commute survey
- peer review report
- SOAR analysis
Results of each key planning element were provided to the personnel responsible for the planning effort and all results were placed into a final report which was provided to key stakeholders for feedback on findings. Additionally, this plan underwent multiple rounds of review by stakeholders and responsible staff members to ensure that the goals, strategies, and tactics outlined within the plan are achievable and realistic.