Nicholas Kosar
Wells + Associates was asked to provide traffic engineering services in North Carolina for a proposed mixed-use development in the Town of Cary.
Our trip generation analysis was for Cary Pointe, a 10.2-acre mixed use development located west of NC 55 and south of Morrisville Parkway. The Application was for a Planned Development District (PDD) including two subdistricts: R-1 for an 8.2-acre residential area and C-1 for a 2-acre commercial area.
Trip Generation Analysis for a Mixed Use and Congregate Care Facility in Cary

The Applicant proposed to replace the approved residential uses with a congregate care facility which is typically for residents 55 years of age or older in which limited or no assistance with daily living activities is needed and for which a state issued license is not required.
W+A’s North Carolina traffic engineering team reviewed the previous approvals and justified that the proposed change in use would have no impacts on the surrounding roadway network. Our estimates were based on a variety of uses included in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Our team reaffirmed that the conclusions of the previous Traffic Analysis Report (TAR) were still applicable to the change in use. The report was sealed by a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of North Carolina.
The document was reviewed and accepted by the Town of Cary Transportation & Facilities team. Throughout the process, our team led discussions with Town staff, the Applicant, and the project team.

Learn more about our Charlotte traffic engineering and TDM consulting practice.