City of Denver TDM Regulations + Plans - Wells + Associates

City of Denver TDM Regulations + Plans

TDM regulations in the City and County of Denver are coming: A TDM plan will be required for any new development in order to be granted site plan approval. Wells + Associates helps developers and property managers plan, implement, and monitor TDM programs to meet TDM regulations and improve marketability of their properties.

Our TDM consultants have extensive experience helping properties and developments comply with TDM regulations by developing, implementing, coordinating, and monitoring and evaluating TDM plans and TDM programs across the country. We make life easier for property owners, developers, and property managers, so that they can focus on their businesses.

What Is TDM and What Is a TDM Plan?

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is a set of strategies that influence travel behavior by mode of transportation, frequency, time, route, or trip length to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips. Or, to put it another way, TDM programs ease the demand on the existing transportation infrastructure, reduce the use of single-occupancy vehicles (SOVs), and expand the transportation choices available to commuters and tenants at individual properties and within the City of Denver itself.

The City of Denver will soon be implementing requirements for TDM Programs for all new development within the City. For further information on TDM in Denver, see the Denver Regional Council of Government’s Transportation Demand Management Program web page.

Aside from helping properties build more extensive and sustainable transportation networks through management of their TDM plans, we help them comply with local regulations so they can focus on building and operating successful communities.

Does Your Development Require a TDM Plan in Denver?

How do you know whether your new development or project needs to develop and implement a TDM plan? The thresholds for requiring a TDM plan will vary by development type, size, location in city, and proximity to transit options. Currently there are three tiers of requirements:

Three TDM Tiers in City of Denver

TypeTier 0Tier 1Tier 2
Residential0 - 25 dwelling units25 - 49 dwelling units50+ dwelling units
Commercial0 - 25,000 sq ft25,000 - 49,999 sq ft50,000+ sq ft
Office0 - 25,000 sq ft25,000 - 49,999 sq ft50,000+ sq ft
Industrial0 - 150,000 sq ft150,000 - 299,999 sq ft300,000+ sq ft

If your development requires a TDM plan it is important to remember that Site Plan approval is contingent on having an approved TDM plan in place. Additionally, the infrastructure contained within the TDM plan needs to be installed and operational to receive a Certificate of Occupancy.

Developing and Managing TDM Plans for Tier 1 and 2 Properties in Denver

ActionTier 0Tier 1Tier 2
Requirementsnot applicable
  • TDM Infrastructure
  • Transportation Coordinator
  • Encourage memembership with TMA
  • TDM Infrastructure
  • TDM Programmatic Strategies
  • Transportation Coordinator
  • Encourage memembership with TMA
Monitoringnot applicable
  • Annual reporting
  • Annual reporting
  • Biennial surveys
  • Achieve designated SOV commute rate
Compliancenot applicable
  • No TDM Plan = No Site Plan Approval
  • Failure to install = No Certificate of Occupancy
  • Failure to provide annual reports or continue implementation = reminder
  • Failure to achieve SOV goal for Tier 2 = tiered approach focused on resolution

If you have a mid- to large-sized development in the City of Denver, it may qualify as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 TDM property. If your development needs to create its own TDM program, it’s likely you will need assistance in developing, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating a TDM plan and TDM programmatic strategies for your site.

TDM Transportation Coordinator in Denver

The TDM team at Wells + Associates creates customized TDM plans for property developments. Additionally, we act as the Transportation Coordinator for Tier 1 and 2 properties, working directly with the City of Denver to ensure compliance with TDM regulations. Transportation services include:

  • Producing required annual reports, which detail and summarize TDM activities and funding,
  • Conducting bi-annual surveys for Tier 2 properties to capture tenant, resident, and employee transportation behavior, as required by the City, and
  • Managing TDM funds, contributions, and administration.

TDM Programmatic Strategies

The TDM team at Wells + Associates implements and manages approved TDM plans for property developments. A TDM program includes a variety of components to mitigate vehicular traffic. Our Programmatic Strategies approach is always data driven, based on market research, and includes programs such as transit subsidies; incentives for using carpools, vanpools, shuttles, bikeshare, and carshare; and marketing and outreach efforts to promote non-vehicular modes of transportation. W+A has substantial experience in customizing multimodal programs such as these for real estate developments, each of which have unique profiles, audiences, and needs.

We invite you to learn more about our work in developing TDM plans for regulated communities across the country. Feel free to reach out to us to learn how we can help you manage your regulatory obligations while improving the transportation choices in your community.

Contact our City of Denver TDM Team

Courtney Menjivar

Courtney J. Menjivar

Vice President

Courtney Menjivar is a passionate global implementer of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs. TDM programs aim to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles, giving more transportation choices to commuters and raising the value of real estate developments.

Courtney’s Full Bio

justin schor tdm consultant wells + associates - co-author of ULI book Building a Multimodal Future

Justin Schor

Vice President

Justin has over two decades of forward-thinking TDM experience in communities all over the United States. His skills span planning, developing, and implementing award-winning transportation solutions. He is the co-author of the Urban Land Institute’s book, Building a Multimodal Future.

Justin’s Full Bio