Building a Multimodal Future: A ULI Playbook to Increase Density and Reduce Parking with TDM - Wells + Associates

Building a Multimodal Future: A ULI Playbook to Increase Density and Reduce Parking with TDM

Building a Multimodal Future: A Book for Everyone Who Works with TDM Policies

building multimodal future book uli schor
Building a Multimodal Future, an Urban Land Institute publication.

The development of TDM policies is increasingly on the minds of local communities.  How can planning land uses and transportation together with transportation demand management (TDM) policies create safer, more walkable environments? Or, put more succinctly, how can transportation professionals, developers, and public policy advocates:

  • Overcome NIMBY fear of and opposition to density
  • Reduce parking supply and construction costs, and
  • Encourage non-auto-focused design

Building a Multimodal Future: Connecting Real Estate Development and Transportation Demand Management to Ease Gridlock, published by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) in May 2019, shows you how.

In this book, co-author Justin Schor of Wells + Associates explores the origin, implementation, best practices, and results of TDM policies from 10 distinctive communities across the United States. Uniquely, the book features:

  • perspectives of those who implement these policies and those who are affected by them, including developers, property owners, and managers, as well as other professionals who work with TDM policies
  • real-world examples of urban, suburban, and small-town communities that have implemented TDM policies in unique contexts
  • 9 steps to guide readers through the process of establishing TDM policies in their own projects and communities

View the Book on the ULI Website

TDM: Maximizing Existing Transportation Systems

TDM encourages travelers to maximize use of available transportation systems in the most efficient and effective ways possible. TDM policies can:

  • balance the demand for and capacity of current transportation networks
  • catalyze the creation of new property-based transportation amenities that allow real estate developments to increase density and better use transportation infrastructure
  • reduce the impact on traffic congestion and the need to construct expensive structured parking

On this web page, we feature information about this book and, more importantly, interviews, discussions, and content that extend the dialogue of how land use decisions and TDM planning can produce better communities and improved lives.

justin schor tdm consultant wells + associates - co-author of ULI book Building a Multimodal FutureCo-Author Justin Schor

Vice President | (301) 971-3420

Justin Schor, a Vice President at Wells + Associates, has over two decades of forward-thinking Transportation Demand Management (TDM) experience in communities all over the United States. His skills span planning, developing, and implementing award-winning transportation solutions. He is the co-author of the Urban Land Institute’s book, Building a Multimodal Future: Connecting Real Estate Development and Transportation Demand Management to Ease Gridlock.

Justin’s Full Bio